📄️ Browser Bookmarks
This directive allows for custom bookmarks in Firefox and Chromium. The following syntax is how we can create them:
📄️ Enabling Events and Contests
To enable events, the EventConfig flag must be set to true
📄️ Expiration Time
The directive file is able to configure when it itself will expire via ConfigExpirationTime configuration, once it expires huronOS will use the default directive file. Also it's possible to define that the directive file never expires.
📄️ Keyboard Layouts
The directive file is able to configure different keyboard layouts for huronOS via AvailableKeyboardLayouts configuration; we can also choose the default keyboard layout using DefaultKeyboardLayout.
📄️ Activating Software Modules
We can define which software will be available to the users with the AvailableSoftware directive.
📄️ Timezones
The directives file is able to set a timezone for the huronOS instance via the TimeZone directive. This timezones are compliant with the IANA timezones standard, we highly recommend you checking which timezone is your city on.
📄️ USB Drives Flag
huronOS allows you to control if the USB drives can be automounted or not. You can control this by using the AllowUsbStorage flag.
📄️ Wallpaper
The directives file can define which wallpaper will be used by the desktop environment while huronOS is at a selected execution mode.
📄️ Setting Firewall for Web Broswing
huronOS includes a firewall that allows to specify which pages would be available, by default all sites are available with AllowedWebsites=all, but if you want to specify a site, the syntax is AllowedWebsites=mysite.com|myotherSite.com|...|, note that after every site there has to be a pipe | to separate them.