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Version: v0.4

Building huronOS

To build huronOS you'll need to follow several steps:

  1. Install Debian:
    First, install Debian 11.6 in a computer with a minimal installation setup. Make sure to not install any extra software mentioned on the installer, and do not setup extra users other than root. (if you do, erase them).

  2. Get huronOS-build-tools
    Clone this repo on the / root directory of your newly installed Debian with the following command

    git clone --recurse-submodules

  3. Compile the huronOS kernel
    huronOS needs a kernel that supports AUFS, so we need to replace the kernel. To do so, run as root:

    cd kernel-builder/
    chmod +x
  4. Build the base system
    To build the base system (01-base.hsl) and the huronOS bootable skeleton filesystem, run as root:

    chmod +x base-system/

    Afterwards, you will find a similar structure to the following directory on /tmp:

    huronOS-build-tools-67321/ # Taking 67321 as an example, this will be different with each case. This value is the PID of the process.
    ├── iso-data/

    By default, will have a field ISO_DATA=/tmp/huronOS-build-tools-67321/iso-data and ISO_OUTPUT=/tmp/huronOS-build-tools-67321/huronOS-b2023.00xx-amd64.iso. If you're planing to move the directory, please make sure to update this routes accordingly.

  5. Build the other system layers

    To build the rest of the layers, you'll need to install huronOS at a temporal USB drive, so go ahead and run:

    ./ # This step is necessary as it will calculate the checksums of the files
    ./iso-data/ # You just hit enter when prompt for directives URL and directives server IP

    After this, please boot up the installed system. Once booted, make sure to have access to that repository and internet connection. Please, consider that at this step, no persistence has been provided yet, so all the changes will be volatile

    Run, as root, the following commands to build the rest of the modules:

    • 02-firmware.hsl:
      cd software-modules/base/02-firmware/
      chmod +x
    • 03-budgie.hsl:
      cd software-modules/base/03-budgie/
      chmod +x
      chmod +x
    • 04-shared-libs.hsl:
      cd software-modules/base/04-shared-libs/
      chmod +x
    • 05-custom.hsl:
      cd software-modules/base/05-custom/
      chmod +x

    Next, return to the debian installation and plug the USB drive, then copy the modules on the iso-data/huronOS/base/ directory.

  6. Pack the current software

    After installing the base, the software to be used on competitions like ICPC or IOI will be required. The build scripts for each package are located in the directories

    After finishing with all the software, copy the resultant .hsm files to the iso-data/huronOS/software/ directory following the structure of the tree. Remember to reboot each time you create an .hsm module to prevent accumulating changes.

  7. Create the ISO

    After completing the huronOS iso-data directory, you can run again the to create the packed ISO and the Sha256 checksum.